Thursday 29 January 2015

Instant Messaging Applications

There are many IM (Instant Messaging) applications such as,

  • WeChat
  • WhatsApp
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Line
  • Viber
  • Snapchat
  • ChatOn
  • Skype
  • Text Messaging
There are many types of Instant Messaging applications but, the ones listed are one of the top 10.

Each application is unique in its own way and although they are all different, they are all used for the purpose of instant messaging.

From the applications that I use on my electronic devices, each application has a different way of instantly messaging another person, family, friend or associate. 
Skype's instant messenger uses the online to send messages, call or video chat with your contacts as a form of instant messaging. 
However WhatsApp is an application that uses your mobile number and what contacts of yours that have WhatsApp messenger as well to create an online chat as an instant messenger.
Instant Messaging Applications are so popular that text messaging is rarely used nowadays.
IM Applications are even allowing free voice and video calls over the application itself, this is huge as Instant Messaging Applications are transforming and this is a threat to cellular carriers.
Each Instant Messaging Application is competing with one another. These Applications are used by millions of people and are based on your electronic device but, my question here for you guys is what type of Instant Messaging Application do you use everyday?


CLIFFORD, C. (2013, December 11). Top 10 Apps for Instant Messaging (Infographic). Retrieved from Entrepreneur:

The Fuse Joplin. (2015, Janurary 28). WhatsApp vs. WeChat vs. Viber Free Download – The Kings of Instant Messaging. Retrieved from The Fuse Joplin:

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