Sunday 15 February 2015

Instant Messaging Users

From what I know, Instant Messaging users consists of nearly anyone. From business to personal use, different sorts of people use Instant Messaging for different reasons. According to the Pew Research Center both men and women use Instant Messaging services equally.

As seen on the chart below different types of users use Instant Messaging based on ethnicity, gender. age and income.

(SHIU & LENHART, 2004)

Most of the younger generation ages 18-29 use Instant Messaging. It is a fast and reliable way of communication as it had begun integrating itself into society as Generation Y had begun, The main reason behind this is that the younger generation is more tech savy than the older generation, ages 40 and up. 

More of the younger generation is using Instant Messaging as they were born with it. Compared to the older generation however, they had to integrate Instant Messaging into their life. Also from what I see personally, the older generation speculate whether Instant Messaging is safe to use or not due to the amount of information that is publicized. 

It also depends on how much income you make as well. Most people with low income use Instant Messaging services compared to the few who make a high income. However this can be because the people with a low income just recently started working.

Also depending on the community type you live in will control how much Instant Messaging you use as if you're in an urban area you're in a more populated area compared to a rural area.


SHIU, E., & LENHART, A. (2004, September 2004). Part 1. Introduction: The basics of instant messaging. Retrieved from Pew Research Center:

1 comment:

  1. Binfer instant messaging is secure and private. Also, it is free. The site is
