Sunday 15 March 2015

Downsides of Instant Messaging

As instant messaging has many benefits, it also has its downsides. Many of the downsides I've had is that sometimes I'm not even talking to the person I think I'm talking to or they take too long to reply.
I thought instant messaging was supposed to be instant but, clearly it's not. Although there are many more downsides to instant messaging such as:

  • Cannot Express Emotion
  • Cannot be too Sure Who You're Talking to
  • Risk of Unwanted Intrusion 
  • Misinterpretation 
  • Auto-correct
Some examples of how auto-correct works can be seen in the images below.

These risks can cause harm to those you speak to through instant messaging if you do not communicate properly. One should reread their messages before sending them out so no miscommunication can occur but, also as instant messaging is popular, it takes away the physical interaction of communication with another. In my opinion this can cause a misunderstanding as if I were to make a joke through instant messaging, the other would not understand it and could take it to heart. Now think to yourself, have you ever had a misunderstanding with somebody else through instant messaging?


Woodard, R. (2011, January 24). Pros and Cons of Instant Messaging. Retrieved from Bright hub:

Instant Messaging Features

As everybody else, I also use instant messaging because of the many features it offers when sending messages. Such features instant messaging include are:

  • Send Voice Recordings
  • Send Media (Picture/Videos)
  • Send Files
  • Send Emojis
  • View Who's Online
  • View Contact Pictures
  • Create Group Chats
The old way people would message one another is through email but, time has passed now and there is a new way to send messages to one another without having to refresh your page to check for new emails. Instant Messaging has been the leading way of how people send messages to one another nowadays and this isn't because emailing is lame but, it's because instant messaging comes with features now that allow for more than just a message to be sent.

Voice Recordings

Sending Media

Many of these instant messaging features have replaced the use of emails and mail. Instant messaging and its features are widely popular and used. They have replaced many of the old ways of how people would communicate with one another. Not only do I believe that these features have made life easier but, it has made ways of sending certain types of files faster. If I ask you how you prefer sending messages to people, what would your opinion be? There is a poll for you guys to answer.


Cooper, A., & Tyson, J. (2014). How Instant Messaging Works. Retrieved from howstuffworks:

Sunday 15 February 2015

Instant Messaging Users

From what I know, Instant Messaging users consists of nearly anyone. From business to personal use, different sorts of people use Instant Messaging for different reasons. According to the Pew Research Center both men and women use Instant Messaging services equally.

As seen on the chart below different types of users use Instant Messaging based on ethnicity, gender. age and income.

(SHIU & LENHART, 2004)

Most of the younger generation ages 18-29 use Instant Messaging. It is a fast and reliable way of communication as it had begun integrating itself into society as Generation Y had begun, The main reason behind this is that the younger generation is more tech savy than the older generation, ages 40 and up. 

More of the younger generation is using Instant Messaging as they were born with it. Compared to the older generation however, they had to integrate Instant Messaging into their life. Also from what I see personally, the older generation speculate whether Instant Messaging is safe to use or not due to the amount of information that is publicized. 

It also depends on how much income you make as well. Most people with low income use Instant Messaging services compared to the few who make a high income. However this can be because the people with a low income just recently started working.

Also depending on the community type you live in will control how much Instant Messaging you use as if you're in an urban area you're in a more populated area compared to a rural area.


SHIU, E., & LENHART, A. (2004, September 2004). Part 1. Introduction: The basics of instant messaging. Retrieved from Pew Research Center:

Sunday 8 February 2015

Benefits of Using Instant Messaging

The benefits of instant messaging for me is because it is quick and convenient but, also because I can get in quick communication with my contacts. I use instant messaging for different reasons and it offers many benefits for me and others such as:

  • Staying in Touch with your Contacts no Matter Where They are
  • Sending Texts and Messages Quickly
  • Able to Talk in Real Time
  • Get Quick Responses
  • Group Chat Rooms 
  • Share Media such as Pictures/Videos 
  • Save Messages
  • Affordable 
You can use instant messaging as a quick way to check on someone. (shown in the image below)

As stated above, Real Time Communication is an advantage of Instant Messaging as it allows users to see whether a contact is on or offline. Another advantage would be that you can message other users through these instant messaging applications as they're compatible with most devices. 

Also being able to send and receive media as well from others without going over to go see what they want to show you is another benefit of instant messaging.

However even in the case of an emergency Instant Messaging can be useful as to get a hold of your friends, family or co-workers. It also allows you to save conversations (archive) if needed for future reference.


Kazmeye, M. (n.d.). Advantages & Disadvantages of Instant Messaging in Business. Retrieved from AZCENTRAL A GARNNETT COMPANY:

Perey, C. (2004, June 28). Eight benefits of IM. Retrieved from Networld:

Thursday 29 January 2015

Instant Messaging Applications

There are many IM (Instant Messaging) applications such as,

  • WeChat
  • WhatsApp
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Line
  • Viber
  • Snapchat
  • ChatOn
  • Skype
  • Text Messaging
There are many types of Instant Messaging applications but, the ones listed are one of the top 10.

Each application is unique in its own way and although they are all different, they are all used for the purpose of instant messaging.

From the applications that I use on my electronic devices, each application has a different way of instantly messaging another person, family, friend or associate. 
Skype's instant messenger uses the online to send messages, call or video chat with your contacts as a form of instant messaging. 
However WhatsApp is an application that uses your mobile number and what contacts of yours that have WhatsApp messenger as well to create an online chat as an instant messenger.
Instant Messaging Applications are so popular that text messaging is rarely used nowadays.
IM Applications are even allowing free voice and video calls over the application itself, this is huge as Instant Messaging Applications are transforming and this is a threat to cellular carriers.
Each Instant Messaging Application is competing with one another. These Applications are used by millions of people and are based on your electronic device but, my question here for you guys is what type of Instant Messaging Application do you use everyday?


CLIFFORD, C. (2013, December 11). Top 10 Apps for Instant Messaging (Infographic). Retrieved from Entrepreneur:

The Fuse Joplin. (2015, Janurary 28). WhatsApp vs. WeChat vs. Viber Free Download – The Kings of Instant Messaging. Retrieved from The Fuse Joplin:

Instant Messaging Overview

  • Applications
  • Benefits of Using Instant Messaging
  • Instant Messaging Users
  • Instant Messaging Features 
  • Downsides of Instant Messaging